Many people struggle to find inspiration and thus foster their own creativity. What are some effective methods for gaining inspiration and tapping into your own creativity?
It was difficult for me to find inspiration on my own. I read books and tried various methods. I finally found a good starting point that others could use to come up with new ideas and be creative.
It makes no difference whether you are looking for inspiration for writing stories, creating presentations, painting pictures, or simply for your own life.
In my opinion, there is one important prerequisite for inspiration and new ideas that must always be met: our mind must be empty of all thoughts.
We must first separate ourselves from all the random thoughts that have appeared. You could say that we need to reset our minds.
If we don’t, thoughts like worries, the next supermarket purchase, the next appointment, and so on take over our consciousness. Where does inspiration come from?

However, There is a Trick to Achieving this State: Monotony!
Because we always do, see, or hear the same things, our brain becomes accustomed to this consistency. As a result, all other thoughts that we have in our daily lives are pushed to the sidelines.
So the best advice is to cultivate emptiness and consistency in our own consciousness. The brain then has the capacity to allow for flashes of inspiration and creative ideas.
Many people claim that they get their best ideas and inspiration while jogging. Running is a monotonous activity; you get into the “flow” and only your own breath and movement take precedence.
Others find inspiration while swimming, cycling, or going for long walks. However, it does not have to be a sporting event. Even knitting or putting together a puzzle can help to clear the mind.
Make Monotony
- To empty our minds and displace unnecessary thoughts, we should engage in a monotonous activity that suits us and will not disturb us. It could be sports, meditation, or simply going for a walk. Choose something that appeals to you and that you enjoy doing.
- You can choose what time of day you want to clear your mind of all the clutter. Personally, I prefer the morning, but I also ride my bike in the afternoon on occasion. Just make sure you’re not bothered.
- Allow yourself as much time as you need. At first, 15 minutes per day is sufficient. If this isn’t enough, do the exercise for a little longer each day until you can slowly stop the thoughts.
Inspiration’s Appearance
You may be wondering when inspiration will strike. That is impossible to predict in terms of time. One critical component is still missing:
Every day, you must think about a new topic for a few minutes. Because if you always think the same way, you will always act and make the same choices.
Your brain and consciousness don’t see any reason to come up with new ideas or inspirations. Everything keeps going as usual.
The more experience and knowledge you have, the more data your brain has to work with when creating new things. This means that you need to have new experiences and learn new things every day.
In practice, you should devote a few minutes each day to learning something new. Read a book on a new topic, watch an unusual movie, read poetry, or listen to classical music.
If those around you tell you that they didn’t expect you to discuss such a sensitive subject, you’re on the right track.

Inspirational Flashes
Flashes of inspiration do exist, but they do not appear out of nowhere. In fact, flashes of inspiration have a history as well. Specifically, in what you have learned and experienced. Our brain combines these elements to produce a flash of inspiration.
Monotony and New Experiences
We are now combining both aspects. By dealing with new topics and content on a daily basis, you divert your attention away from the same old thoughts and supplement them with new facts and knowledge.
This new knowledge, combined with what you already know, can be used by your brain to generate new creative ideas and inspiration.
Now, every day, add a monotonous activity in which your usual thoughts fade into the background and your brain rests.
If you get inspired from time to time, write it down! Purchase a notebook and jot down your ideas in bullet points. Examine it on a regular basis!
Your brain now has the ability to form new connections, develop new ideas, and bring them to the forefront.

To allow inspiration to flow into your life, all it takes is 10 minutes of daily engagement with a new interesting topic and 20 minutes of monotonous walking or some other uniform activity where you are not distracted.
Our brain comes up with new ideas and inspiration by making new connections between neurons and having enough free space to carry out those connections.
Whether you want to write a book, make a presentation for work, or start a new path in your life, you won’t get any new ideas or inspiration if you don’t give your brain new things to think about.