Do you want to learn a language or do you need to learn one for school? Here you will find simple and effective methods for learning and remembering vocabulary.
Learning and mastering a foreign language is not only beneficial in the classroom or in the workplace, but it also provides opportunities for social interaction and personal development on a personal level.
Multilingualism has the potential to open doors and connect people. You can learn the most about a country’s culture and people by learning their language.
How Does Our Brain Learn and Remember Information?
Learning a language and expanding one’s vocabulary without motivation is difficult and time-consuming, and for some, even torturous. Learning vocabulary becomes easier if you take a language course in the country and are constantly surrounded by people who speak the language!
What is the reason for this? It’s because the language is linked to the event in our minds.
When we go shopping in a foreign country’s supermarket, for example, we learn vocabulary more quickly because we automatically associate what we read on the product with the product’s picture (e.g. bread, or milk, etc.).
The image of a milk carton and the term for milk are linked in our minds, making it easier to recall. This is especially true if you do it again!

The Most Crucial Factor Is Motivation
What motivates you to learn the language and expand your vocabulary? What is your driving force? Are you studying it for work or school, or do you want to travel to the country in question?
Whatever the case may be, remember that learning a new language and vocabulary will enrich your life by expanding your horizons! Take advantage of the opportunity to learn about the language, country, culture, society, or politics!
Consider the possibility that you will be able to read local newspapers and navigate websites in that language at some point. Suddenly, social media allows you to communicate with people all over the country.
Knowing and being able to use the appropriate vocabulary will also give you a significant professional advantage. Your popularity will skyrocket!
Vocabulary Learning Motivation:
- You broaden your horizons and enrich your life as a result.
- As a result, you gain professional perspective and, as a result, success.
- Newspapers and books in the respective language are available to read.
- You can make contact with people in the country you’re visiting.
- Your brain continues to work and create new internal connections.
Incorporate Vocabulary Into Your Daily Routine
Integrating words into your life is a very effective way to learn them. Wouldn’t it be great if you knew what skateboarding, chess, or soccer meant in the language you wanted to learn?
-Your feelings, -what you did today, -what you still want to do, -what you enjoy doing, -who you are
and so forth.
To begin, make a list of all the words that interest you. Look up the translations later and practice using them. Always keep the words associated with your hobby in mind when you’re doing your hobbies.
For example, if you want to go shopping today, for example, write down your shopping list in the language you want to learn with translation.
You read the foreign words while shopping, looking at what you want to buy, and thus learn much more easily. As many times as you can, do this.

How Much Time Should I Devote to Learning New Words?
When learning a new language, grammar, and vocabulary, time is by far the most important factor! This does not imply that you must study for several hours each day.
It does imply that you must learn or rehearse something on a daily basis!
Every day, spend at least 15 minutes learning new vocabulary!
These 15 minutes are always available to you! Give up 15 minutes of TV or social media instead! In comparison to learning new words in a foreign language, what can 15 minutes of Netflix or social media offer you?
It’s easy to forget about social media content, and you rarely need it! You can sometimes remember the words of a foreign language for a lifetime if you only spend 15 minutes a day learning it.
You can, of course, practice for longer if you have more time. But keep it to a daily minimum of 15 minutes!
Make a List of Words
Make a list of the words you’d like to learn that day! The reason for this is straightforward: writing down the words will aid in their recall.
You must familiarize yourself with proper spelling, and the act of writing with your hand requires a great deal of concentration at that time! This will assist you in remembering the words for a longer period of time!
Take the vocabulary sheet with you wherever you go and look at it whenever you get a chance. The importance of repetition cannot be overstated. You can incorporate them into your daily routine in a playful manner, such as while waiting for the train, at the checkout counter while shopping, and so on.

Films With English Subtitles
Movies are not dubbed in many European countries. They are broadcast with subtitles in the original language. Turn on the subtitles and watch movies in the language you want to learn.
This will allow you to get a better sense of the language and learn words and grammar more effectively while watching the action!
Make Use of Mnemonic Devices
Developing mnemonic techniques simply means creating mnemonic bridges. This means you associate the word you want to learn with something else that comes to mind, such as another word, a specific situation, an animal, or a person.
It makes no difference how absurd they are. The most important thing is that they assist you in remembering the word.
This principle also applies to incorporating vocabulary into a story, which is another mnemonic technique. You can remember a word better if you create a short story around it.
This is especially useful if you have a hard time remembering vocabulary. You can put the word into a specific context this way.
It can also assist you in visualizing the word you’re learning. This is particularly useful when dealing with ambiguous words.
You can also draw sketches for individual words if you want. Assigning vocabulary to different stations is another helpful memorization technique.
If you’re studying in your room, for example, one vocabulary item belongs on the bed, another on the closet, another on a picture, and so on. While learning, you can also take a physical walk through the various stations.
After that, visualize your room and mentally recall the vocabulary at the appropriate location.

How Often Should Words Be Repeated?
Some words you’ve said a lot, while others you’ve said a few times. How do you keep track of how many times a word needs to be repeated?
The following procedure is a simple but effective system:
- For the first time, you learn a new word.
- You repeat it three more times throughout the day.
- Repeat it once a day for the next four days.
- Repeat the process a week later.
- Repeat the process a month later.
- Repeat three months later for the final time.
What You Should Avoid Learning:
- Learn by heart indiscriminately.
- Attempt to ingrain everything into your mind through mindless repetition.
- Time management is not required to learn.
- In a hurry, learn by heart.
Learning vocabulary can be difficult without your own system and organization.
Everyone does not learn in the same way or at the same rate. It is critical that you test various methods and, if possible, link them together.
Even more crucial is to practice for at least 15 minutes every day. Make no exceptions, even on vacation. Along with motivation, consistency in learning is one of the most important factors.
In terms of vocabulary learning, there are only three factors that determine success:
1.The appropriate motivation
2. The proper procedure
3. Regular practice
You will effectively learn and retain the words if you keep these factors in mind!