I’ve been using Dr. Joe Dispenza’s meditation techniques in the mornings to prepare myself for the day for several months now. I was overjoyed to learn that a Progressive Retreat would be held in Basel, Switzerland.
Because Basel, Switzerland is only about 300 kilometers from where I live (near Frankfurt/Main), the decision was simple. I booked the event with a friend, and it was scheduled to take place from August 5 to August 7 in 2022.
Is It Worthwhile to Take Part?
After three days of the retreat, I can say that it was worth it because I had different experiences, met new people, and learned both theory and practice!
“You are greater than you think; more powerful than you know; more unlimited than you could ever dream.”
Dr. Joe Dispenza
Friday, August 5, 2022
We walked about 20 minutes from the hotel to the venue, St. James Hall. The size of the hall and the number of people attending this retreat overwhelmed us.
According to the organizer, 7,000 people from 49 different countries had registered. I noticed the participants’ positive attitudes and the good organization from the first day.
The event began at 7:00 p.m., and it began with music to get us in the mood for what was to come. The organizer then gave a brief speech about the schedule for the next three days.
Finally, Dr. Joe Dispenza took the stage, accompanied by music and applause from the 7,000 people in attendance! Dr. Joe thanked everyone and set the tone for the next few days.
He did so by presenting the fundamental principles of his meditation as well as the psychological and physical connections. He ended the event after two hours, and we looked forward to the next day.

Saturday, August 6, 2022
The workshop began at 9 a.m. on this day. It began again with music, and then Dr. Joe arrived to further deepen the ideas and concepts that we would apply through meditation.
Following that, we led the first meditation with 7,000 people. It was a powerful experience. During the meditation, I forgot I was following along with so many other people, all guided by Dr. Joe.
The effect of having the connections explained before the meditation and then being able to apply them directly is amazing. The meditation then becomes more intense. Perhaps it was also due to the energy generated by the 7,000 participants in the room at the same time.
During the event, drinks and food were provided. There were two 45-minute breaks, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, as well as a 90-minute lunch break. It was especially nice that there was a vegan option.
That Saturday, we had another meditation led by Dr. Joe himself. In addition to the meditations, there was also information about what science has found about meditation techniques, such as brain scans of people who meditate.
At the end of the day, after 7:00 p.m., we all returned to the hotel in a relaxed mood, filled with the workshop experience. What amazed me was the diversity of people who attended the event.
People of all ages and nationalities, both healthy and with obvious illnesses or disabilities, they all came with the intention of changing their lives.
Sunday, August 7, 2022
This time, the workshop began at 8:30 a.m. and would last until after 19:00 p.m. I should mention that music was played after each break to help us tune back in and focus.
On this Sunday, Dr. Joe showed videos of people who changed their lives through meditation or who recovered from illness. Unfortunately, no participants revealed their transformation on stage. This, I believe, is only done in longer events.
Furthermore, some initiatives have emerged to assist people using Dr. Joe’s method while also advancing scientific research. From my perspective, this section could have been cut.
Dr. Joe explained his breathing technique around noon on this day, first on the example of some participants who performed this breathing technique on stage, which was really impressive.
Then, once again, under Dr. Joe’s direction, all 7,000 people in the hall practiced this breathing technique together. It reminded me of Wim Hof’s breathing technique.
Other shared meditations that day included a Brain-Heart Coherence Meditation variation and a Blessing of the Energy Centers. Unfortunately, there was no presentation or explanation of the walking meditation.

Was It Worthwhile to Attend the Dr. Joe Dispenza Progressive Retreat?
I can confidently answer this question in the affirmative. Aside from the basic explanations, which I already knew from his books (You Are the Placebo, Becoming Supernatural), the meditations with 7,000 participants were a valuable experience.
Seeing how moved some people were by the meditations left a lasting impression on me. After the Brain Heart Meditation, one of the women sitting behind me burst into tears.
Meeting people who all had the same calm and confident demeanor was very inspiring. I felt a connection to all of them.
The Progressive Retreat is for you if you want to learn about Dr. Joe’s theory and methods while also gaining practical meditation experience.
If a week-long event becomes available next year, I will do my best to attend.
Update 6 Weeks After the Progressive Retreat
I have continued to practice Dr. Joe Dispenza’s meditations daily. What is interesting for me is that I keep thinking back to the event in Basel.
Especially the positive atmosphere, the joy and humanity are still strongly present in my consciousness.
In addition, I am still motivated by the event to continue meditating. I think that is one of the most important results of the Prrogressive Retreat – you keep the motivation!
Dr. Joe Dispenza Progressive Retreats in 2023 in Europe
In 2023, Dr. Joe Dispenza will again conduct a Progressive Retreat in Basel Switzerland. If you are interested, you can get more information here! Another Progressive Retreat will be held in Warsaw Poland in February 2023. Info can be found here.
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